Getting started on a sale:
Nearly all transactions will require a draft Contract for Sale of Land to be prepared and delivered to your property agent before they can begin to market the property.
Walkom Lawyers will:
Consult with you to ensure the draft Contract is prepared to best protect your interests and provide as much information as possible to potential buyers.
Order all searches and certificates needed for the Contract.
Provide a copy of the Contract to your agent. Using the latest technology Walkom Lawyers can prepare a draft Contract on the same day as requested, although generally, the final Contract will be available within 5 business days when searches and the Council certificate are received.
When you find a buyer Walkom Lawyers will:

Negotiate any amendments requested to the Contract.

Attend to exchange Contracts.

Arrange the discharge of any loan secured over the property.

Prepare for and attend settlement.

Report to you regularly and keep you advised of progress.
What if we decide not to sell?
There is no problem if you elect to take your property off the market.
The draft Contract can be retained for use if you decide to put the property back on the market at a later stage. The searches that form part of the contract usually will be valid for at least 12 months.
Walkom Lawyers will only charge a fee for preparation of the contract and the cost of the searches, and other fees incurred. Usually, this will be $440.00* for our fee and $150.00 to $250.00* for other expenses.
*fee estimates include GST.